Sunday, May 23, 2010

Taking a Break from Our Vacation

Hey folks,

Another quick hello here. Sara and I are still having a super awesome time, which is even better now that we're staying at a wonderful rental suite for a few days. The utterly insane sand storms of Moab chased us out of southern Utah, and we decided to head to Salt Lake City. directed us to a wonderful deal at a place that turned out to be perfect for what we needed. It's a one-bedroom suite with a full kitchen for an excellent deal. After the blizzard in Yellowstone, hail and thunder storms in Colorado, and sand storms in Moab, we're glad to be indoors and sheltered against the current "winter weather warning" surrounding Salt Lake City.

More stories to come! You can read about our amazing, yet harrowing ordeal in the canyons of Moab, and much more.

We've uploaded a bunch of photos to our online album if you want to check them out:


  1. very brief...

  2. Sorry, guys. It's all coming, but keeping this blog up-to-date was more work than we thought it would be. I hope to have a bunch more blogs uploaded tonight sometime. Sara wrote a bunch while I was figuring out our online photo albums. I must say I am not pleased with the blogging or photo album software we're using.

    - Niilo
